Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A first time for everything...

It's Wednesday and we're halfway through a BIG week in the Orrell House! Lots of first time events have come and gone as we gear up for the weekend ahead.

I"ll start with your's truly and the announcement of my very FIRST blog! It's been a real pain in the a**  lot of fun diving into the blogging world and has only taken me every evening for the last 5 days to finally get it up and functioning. I've debated for months now on whether or not to even start a blog. Questions like, how much of my spare time will the blog consume? Will I have enough to say? Will people really care about what I have to say? all came to mind, but I decided to give it a shot. Accompanying the anxiety brought on by the blog comes my lack of being able to make decisions when faced with too many choices. Backgrounds and Templates and Gadgets, Oh My! I know I spent a good 4 hours searching for the perfect background and then due to my IT handicap, I could never upload them correctly. Its all just too much really and has caused me numerous headaches this week. Soooo here we are with an average back ground powered by Blogger, A template that I'm not sure fits my "needs" and zero gadgets on deck. But hey, the fact that I've gotten this far is an accomplishment in itself and it can only get better frome here, right? Unless, of course, no one reads it or cares and then my anxiety rings true and then all the time it consumed just putting it together was a waste... B-R-E-A-T-H-E!

The peak of the week by far has been Miss Presleigh's very first day of Pre-K at Dallas First Baptist! This little girl has been counting down her sleeps until "big girl school" for weeks now. And it's finally arrived! She was so excited she jumped out of bed, immediately got dressed at my first request, couldn't eat a bite of breakfast and was the one herding the rest of the family out the door that day. She remembered exactly where her classroom was, walked right in, hung up her bag and got to work. Telling me goodbye, much less getting in one last picture of her in her room was the last thing on her mind. She might as well have told me to get lost followed up with I got this, Mom! I was so happy that she was happy that I didnt really have time to be upset or get a little teary eyed. Next year however, will be a different story. It's cliche what they say, about time flying by, but its true, I'm witnessing it first hand as I watched my first born strut her stuff into class on her first day of K4! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Presleigh Grace and hope you enjoy everyday as much as you did your first day!

Let's not forget about little sis, she had a big day as well as she went into 3yr Preschool at FBK! Paisley was happy to go, not skipping meals or counting down sleeps happy to go, but was feeling the excitement in the air and had her best foot forward. One thing you must know about Paisley is that she is a homebody. She loves to be at home and is perfectly content spending every minute of every day at home. I guess in part because she's spent most of her little life at home with us or with a Nanny, so I knew her first day of school would be slightly different. All was good and fine until I attempted to make a run for it out of the classroom. She caught a glimpse of what I'm sure was my hair flying in the wind and the waterworks started, followed by " I want my blankeeeeeey" "Tedddddyyy" in true dramatic Paisley fashion. Luckily, with the help of Mrs.Terri and a little consoling we were down to whimpering and I was able to walk away telling myself " don't look back, whatever you do Brittany, dont look back!" When the day was done she was skipping out to car pool and excited to share the days masterpieces- SUCCESS! Way to go Sissy Roo!!

All of the excitement and a change in our schedules has really taken a toll on us. We're slap worn out and in need of afternoon naps every day but with that said I must give all 4 of us a big pat on the back for a job well done! We've yet to be tardy, forget an assignment or leave a child a tschool, I'd say that's pretty darn good for some first timers! Here's hoping we sail right through next week with ease too.....fingers crossed!!